Monday, October 13, 2014

AIDS day donations to school children

Positive Women's Network is gearing up for its annual donation of school material to its young members and are looking for people to support this event. 
They are looking for donations (accepting money/150 items or part thereof) for the following:
Exercise books (single ruled, double ruled, square ruled, botany, and non ruled of 80 pages, 120 pages, 160 pages, and 200 pages)
CR books (of 80 pages, 120 pages, and 200 pages)
Glue sticks
Mathematical sets
Bristol boards
Foot rulers
Color pencils
Pastel pencils
Drawing books
Small scissors
Dimai papers

Bags (pre-school, and grades 1 - 13)
Water bottles (pre-school, and grades 1 -6)
Lunch boxes (pre-school, and grades 1 -6)

Bed sheets - for households - double sized

In cash contributions
Food (for children and parents)
Stationery material from the office for organizing the event

Please contact Princey on for more information.